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What is TRX
TRX Suspension training system - one of the newest and most effective training concepts in the world. TRX system develops flexibility, strength, endurance, balance and stability of the deep muscles, resulting in improved posture and increased joint mobility - with virtually no risk of injury during the right training. Even while doing simple exercises it is necessary to keep the posture and balance of the body, which in its turn makes to work deep muscles, making such trainings especially effective. TRX Systems is very popular all over the world: they are used not only for fans of fitness, but also high-level athletes and entire sports teams. TRX Suspension training systems are used for sporting activities in the armies of various countries, as well as a rehabilitation tool in physiotherapy.

TRX is a unique development of US company Fitness Anywhere. Besides the major muscle groups in the job also are included muscle stabilizers.

The great advantage of TRX trainer is the safety of its use. The exercises maximum load is limited to the person own weight, besides the load is not localized in one olace and distributed through the body. All of the factors listed above, make it possible to get the maximum pleasure and effects from activities.